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作为人们口中的“第二简历”,个人的Cover Letter在求职和面试中所发挥的作用越来越大。有的时候,一封有效的Cover Letter甚至能够将应聘者直接送到最后一轮面试。然而,却很少有人真正的会写Cover Letter。
那么,Cover Letter该如何写才能受到招聘官和面试官青睐?
第一,Cover Letter应遵循8大“不要”
1. 不要出现错词和病句 无论是简历,Cover Letter还是与招聘官发送的交流邮件,不出现错误的拼写,错词和病句既能体现对对方最基本的尊重,同时也能反应求职者专业的职业态度。在与面试官或招聘官没有非常熟络之前,尽量让自己准备的求职材料看起来严谨而专业。
2. 名字拼写要正确,不要使用to whom it may concern之类的措辞 错误拼写招聘官或者面试官的名字会大大降低别人对求职者的好感度,而to whom it may concern则又显得太过随意。因此,提前询问对方的名字并且有礼貌的打招呼,建立稳定的职场社交关系,将会帮助你在未来的求职道路上积累人脉。
3. 不要使用模板 Cover Letter应尽可能地展现你的性格,书写过程中不应该套用任何模板,不要刻意使用太过高难的词汇,毕竟这不是作文大赛。保持流利的文风,所写内容符合平时的交流习惯即可。
4. 不要写“套话”,“空话” “I am a great team player”这样的说辞并不具有说服力,实际经历的适当描述才能真正体现出一个求职者的职场能力。套话,空话只会让招聘官和面试官觉得求职者在敷衍了事。而对于那些极其在乎“态度”的公司来说,显然通篇写满“套话”和“空话”的求职者不会是他们钟意的目标。
5. 不要篇幅过长 Cover Letter是针对简历的进一步说明,因此完全没有必要长篇大论,字数不要超过400词。一个中大型公司的招聘官一天往往要看成百上千封简历与Cover Letter,因此过长的简历或者Cover Letter会被招聘官直接拒掉。
6. 不要表现对该公司信息一无所知 一封有质量的Cover Letter一定是“定制化”的。结合该公司的公开信息适当描述选择这个公司的理由会显得更加真诚。
7. 不要提及薪酬 在公司有确定意向想要纳你入伍之前,不要讨论薪酬,更不能在Cover Letter中提及薪酬。否则,会给人一种太过向“钱”看的印象。而以金钱为中心的职场人,往往不会有太高的职业发展追求,更存在着职业道德面临挑战的风险。
8. 不要给予竞争公司负面评价 无论是什么理由选择了这家公司,在说明加入这家公司的理由时,不要掺杂对其竞争对手的负面评价。在有限的行业圈子中,未来你是否会加入该公司的竞争公司,这件事情任何人都没办法预测。
第二,Cover Letter架构
一封完美的Cover Letter应当清楚的说明为什么求职者可以胜任当前所申请的这个岗位。因此,整个Cover Letter的内容都应当围绕这个中心进行适当的论述。
对于应届毕业生来说,Cover Letter的第一段应该首先写明求职者的教育背景,其中包含姓名,学校,专业,毕业时间等基本信息。如果是社会招聘,求职者应说明目前所在公司及相应岗位。其次,应当写明申请该公司工作的原因,其中适当加入对该公司的正面评价。如果在该公司有内推人,应同样在第一段提及举荐人并且说明你们之间的关系。注意,在Cover Letter提供举荐人信息之前,一定要经过举荐人允许,并且求职者应该提前将你的Cover Letter发给举荐人,让其更充分的了解求职者的技能及优势。当招聘官或面试官询问举荐人时,举荐人可以对你的表现给予期望之中的正面评价。
下面是一封合格的Cover Letter样例,希望可以给正在求职的同学们一些启发~
Cover Letter Example
I would like to express my interest in applying for the position “Full Stack Developer” as posted on the Linkedin website. I am currently a senior student in UCLA and majoring in computer science. I will be graduating in the coming May with Bachelor’s degree. With my pleasure talking with John Chen, who is the software engineer at cloud service department of your company, we both think my experience would perfectly fit your position. My qualifications could be shown as below:
.Net Experience, MVC, Web Services and APIs: I had a great internship experience at XXX company with developing an event search and recommendation web service website. It was .Net program with using factory pattern and MVC pattern. I was working on RESTful API integration to handle HTTP requests and responses as well as some features development for events searching utilizing AJAX techniques.
SQL, jQuery, bootstrap(AngularJS): In one of my personal projects, I developed a full-stack movie web service system. The whole movie information visualization feature is based on Angular2, Bootstrap. I used MySQL as database and kept the movie information updated automatically with applying SQL and jQuery techniques. Also the user authentication feature was implemented with using passport.js.
Strong Communication Skills: Another remote internship experience could show my strong communication skills. Due to the location limitation, I was working for XXX company remotely as a full-stack developer. The team I reported was located in Europe and I was based in LA, USA. I had two weekly team meetings to help our PM track the working progress. With the strong communication skills, I could always understand the tasks correctly and deliver my contribution on time with high quality and the project timeline was ahead of the plan thanks to the great teamwork between different locations.
Overall, I am confident to fit the position posted since I find myself perfectly matching with the skills requirement listed with my multiple projects experience. I am also a hard worker, fast learner and tech lover. It would be nice if you could provide an interview opportunity to have me to prove the ability I presented above.
注:求职过程中如果有可能,尽量找到公司内部可以帮助求职者内推的举荐人。根据JobVite的数据显示,从投递简历开始算起,被举荐人拿到offer并签约的时间耗费平均为29天,而通过job posting则需要39天。另外,内推已经是公认的帮助公司快速传递公司文化的有效途径,而成功的举荐可以让内推人对该公司更加忠诚,被举荐人与举荐人的离职率也因为内推而变得更低。