The U.S. Military Academy will welcome more than 1,190 candidates from every state in the nation on July 1, Reception Day, to begin six weeks of Cadet Basic Training and the first day of their transition from civilian to new cadet as a member of the Class of 2023.
“These young men and women are coming here to devote themselves to becoming guardians of Duty, Honor, Country – the West Point motto – and our United States Constitution. They represent our nation’s promise for the future,” said Deborah McDonald, director of admissions.The incoming class was selected from a pool of nearly 12,300 applicants that include 16 international students, 285 women, 400 minorities (180 African-Americans, 145 Hispanic Americans, 99 Asian Americans and 19 Native Americans) and 17 combat veterans who will be immersed into the basic military competencies and leader development training that will prepare them for acceptance into the Corps of Cadets.GBwhatsapp